Saturday, June 8, 2013

Jesus can and will use us just as we are

Sometimes I think theres a somewhat hidden notion in the Christian world that God will only use certain people... that you have to look or act a certain way in order for God to be able to do things through you. This is such a lie of satan.

I'm not quick to attribute problems to satan. In fact, its rare when I point out that I believe something  is influenced by satan because theres no way that we can KNOW this, but I believe that satan wants people to doubt that God can use them.

Its the biggest lie in Christianity that we need to focus on ourselves... yes we need to examine ourselves but generally we must take our eyes off of ourselves and laser focus on Jesus. I firmly believe that when we are praying and are in Gods word, then we will be walking in the spirit. When we walk in love and walk in the spirit, God can definitely use us.

Too often we focus on ourselves in the sense that we think the world will accept us or cool we are or how attractive we may or may not be in the worlds eyes. God cares about none of this and often when we dig deeper, we can see that man doesnt really either. Most people are searching for a deeper meaning to life, and I believe that when people stop doing this its because it has become too painful for them.

I want to reflect Christ, not myself or my own emotions about things. God please use me.

Harvest America 2013! September 28th and 29th

Harvest America is here again for 2013!!

Again, they will have venues where the concert and message are broadcasted  to audiences all over the nation... all over the world!

Some of the artists this year include Mercy Me, Needtobreathe and Lecrae! Again, you'll be able to stream the broadcast through your smartphone wherever you are, alone or with friends.

For more information, please visit Harvest America (opens in a new window) and make sure  you watch the promo video below!

I'm all for individual evangelism, and I believe that  Christians should be the ones reaching out to their family and friends with the gospel message, but this can be a great event to expose your friends and family to the gospel and you can follow up with them.
I haven't written since 2012 and a lot has changed about my Christian walk!

I've since "discovered" Francis Chan  and Shane Claiborne, and they both have confirmed what I had been so frustrated with in the church, and that is that we all as Christians seem to be living for ourselves... this isn't what we see laid out for the life of the believer in Matthew 25.

When listening to Francis Chan I found it interesting that he addressed "Christian celebrity"... that is people that go into a church just to hear a particular pastor. I am guilty of doing the same thing, but its something that made no sense to me even in my own life, let alone observing it in my former church. I was so frustrated over the issue... probably because of what I felt that it reflected in me as a Christian.

My walk should be about pleasing God, about dying to self, and sacrificing for the sake of others, not about sitting in a church and being fed the word of God for years on end.

I'd be the first to admit that its easy for me to go astray in my walk, which is why I've clung to the church in the past. Its not that I get caught up in what I would consider any grievous sin, but rather I would be in the word less or focused on Jesus less. There are so many times that I struggle to trust God with the outcome.

I've decluttered and essentially "destuffed" my life down to the basics, I'm using most of my disposable income to help others and plan never to acquire junk again. I used to think I had to sell my stuff, but now I am donating most of it rather than selling it on ebay.

I'm still happily unchurched and happily single.

This isn't something that I think is for every Christian, and I certainly do not intend  this to lecture or admonish other Christians to be like me, but I am so happy to see that I am not the only one that views the Christian life this way anymore.

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Calvary Road

One of the most challenging books I've ever read in my Christian walk.

Its about being completely broken before God so He can fill us with His Holy Spirit to overflowing.

I look at my own life and see the lack of brokenness. I look at the church and see a group of people that want attention for themselves or to show that they are soo spiritual. Or that they are "under grace" and can do what they want. I see a lack of regard for God that makes me sad.

The reason that we need to be broken and empty of ourselves is so that the Lord can fill us to overflowing with His spirit. Where there is self there cannot be God.

I want to be so filled with Gods Holy Spirit that I don't even notice the problems in the church anymore. I want to be in a place where I completely trust God to deal with the situation. I know there's a place for critique and criticism, but I *know* God is not calling me to this. I know He is calling me to a place of brokenness that is discussed in this book.

He has called me to walk this road alone to live a life of worship to Him. I can't think of a higher calling.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Women over 40 in the church

I often get the feeling that no one really cares that much about us. It seems that most of the church is so focused on youth. I'm not really sure why that is.

Yes, youth are the future of the church but older people have spiritual needs too. I think its just a natural bias that most people have about someone that is older. I posted a prayer request on a website, I indicated my age and that I needed prayer for my walk with the lord. There is a spot where people can indicate that they prayed for you. I was prayed for twice. A young mother that posted her request 1 day earlier looking for fellowship at the church was prayed for 10 times.

I guess the church really isn't much different from the world in many ways. Its another great argument for not looking at Christians and keeping your eyes on Jesus.

Its also a good argument for giving where you see a need, rather than giving to a church and trusting their benevolent fund. I plan to give to Christians directly for the most part from now on and giving to small ministries that really need the support.

I watch some ministries videos online and I feel that I should offer some support there because I benefit, but it's going to be nominal.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I was just thinking about this today...

I don't care about fashion anymore. Not the way I used to. I dress in classics and I want to wear just the basics in clothing. I subscribe to Allure, and I have lost pretty much all interest in what that magazine says. Oh, I still love makeup and I want to look good, but I'm not about fads or even trends. Looking back, I don't think I ever was. My style has pretty much stayed the same for the last three decades or so, and I feel that I still look current.

I suppose it can be fun, but it seems like such a time waster now.

Monday, June 18, 2012

I don't want to hear your political views or opinions in the pulpit

I want to be taught the word of God.

It seems like so many churches have gotten away from teaching the actual bible and have now focused on political agenda and just what everyone else is doing in general. I am so tired of hearing about elections and politics. I am REALLY tired of hearing about how "the gays" are bringing this country down (I am a full supporter of gay rights and I do not believe homosexuality is a sin, by the way).

How is any of that supposed to build me up in my faith? I so desperately need to be fed and built up, but by being taught the word of God, not someones opinion or political view. I can sit in church every Sunday and absolutely STARVE spiritually!

I'm hanging on by a thread. Everywhere I turn its almost always the same thing: someones opinion on world events or politically related views. I don't want to hear about "end times". I know Jesus is coming back and probably soon, but I want to know how to walk closely with him and be ready that way, not be in constant fear of "getting caught" being unprepared. I want to know how to walk in the spirit... I want to hear Gods word so I CAN walk in the spirit. I want victory over bickering with other Christians over the most petty and mundane matters.

I'm dying here. Is there anyone out there listening?