Monday, June 18, 2012

I don't want to hear your political views or opinions in the pulpit

I want to be taught the word of God.

It seems like so many churches have gotten away from teaching the actual bible and have now focused on political agenda and just what everyone else is doing in general. I am so tired of hearing about elections and politics. I am REALLY tired of hearing about how "the gays" are bringing this country down (I am a full supporter of gay rights and I do not believe homosexuality is a sin, by the way).

How is any of that supposed to build me up in my faith? I so desperately need to be fed and built up, but by being taught the word of God, not someones opinion or political view. I can sit in church every Sunday and absolutely STARVE spiritually!

I'm hanging on by a thread. Everywhere I turn its almost always the same thing: someones opinion on world events or politically related views. I don't want to hear about "end times". I know Jesus is coming back and probably soon, but I want to know how to walk closely with him and be ready that way, not be in constant fear of "getting caught" being unprepared. I want to know how to walk in the spirit... I want to hear Gods word so I CAN walk in the spirit. I want victory over bickering with other Christians over the most petty and mundane matters.

I'm dying here. Is there anyone out there listening?

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