Saturday, June 8, 2013

I haven't written since 2012 and a lot has changed about my Christian walk!

I've since "discovered" Francis Chan  and Shane Claiborne, and they both have confirmed what I had been so frustrated with in the church, and that is that we all as Christians seem to be living for ourselves... this isn't what we see laid out for the life of the believer in Matthew 25.

When listening to Francis Chan I found it interesting that he addressed "Christian celebrity"... that is people that go into a church just to hear a particular pastor. I am guilty of doing the same thing, but its something that made no sense to me even in my own life, let alone observing it in my former church. I was so frustrated over the issue... probably because of what I felt that it reflected in me as a Christian.

My walk should be about pleasing God, about dying to self, and sacrificing for the sake of others, not about sitting in a church and being fed the word of God for years on end.

I'd be the first to admit that its easy for me to go astray in my walk, which is why I've clung to the church in the past. Its not that I get caught up in what I would consider any grievous sin, but rather I would be in the word less or focused on Jesus less. There are so many times that I struggle to trust God with the outcome.

I've decluttered and essentially "destuffed" my life down to the basics, I'm using most of my disposable income to help others and plan never to acquire junk again. I used to think I had to sell my stuff, but now I am donating most of it rather than selling it on ebay.

I'm still happily unchurched and happily single.

This isn't something that I think is for every Christian, and I certainly do not intend  this to lecture or admonish other Christians to be like me, but I am so happy to see that I am not the only one that views the Christian life this way anymore.

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